Lisa Joy

Northern Virginia REALTOR® Lisa Joy is partnered with real estate broker Samson Properties, connecting people with places to call home. Are you looking to find a real estate agent in Lorton, Clifton, Woodbridge, Manassas, Stafford, Virginia or many other areas of Northern Virginia? If you want to sell your house fast or are a first-time home buyer, look to Realtor® Lisa Joy.

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Why you might not want to get too excited (or nervous) about a housing crash

Why You Might Not Want to Get too Excited (or Nervous) About a Housing Crash (2/17/23) Rising interest rates and slightly lower demand in the market has caused many people to believe that a housing crash is imminent. Despite some signs that the market is slowing down, you shouldn’t get too worried or excited about […]

Why you might not want to get too excited (or nervous) about a housing crash Read More »

Market Update December 2022

Mortgage rate dip brought many buyers and sellers back into the market. Inventory is still higher than last year and days on market keep increasing. Sellers are adjusting to the current market – 40% of active listings have reduced their original asking price. See full report here: Please reach out to me if you

Market Update December 2022 Read More »