Lisa Joy

Northern Virginia REALTOR® Lisa Joy is partnered with real estate broker Samson Properties, connecting people with places to call home. Are you looking to find a real estate agent in Lorton, Clifton, Woodbridge, Manassas, Stafford, Virginia or many other areas of Northern Virginia? If you want to sell your house fast or are a first-time home buyer, look to Realtor® Lisa Joy.

Rental Market Update

Want to know details on the current rental market? Rent prices are and have been increasing just like home sale prices. Demand for rentals is higher than the supply. Let’s take a look at 3 bedroom rents and the price increase since last year: Alexandria $2,744 up 7% Manassas $3,437 up 63% Arlington $3,392 up

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Many buyers in the Northern VA area have halted their search

Many home buyers in the Northern Virginia area have halted their search. Bidding wars have eased and homes are on the market longer. Realtor magazine has reported that 4 in 10 home buyers said they have stopped looking. The top reasons were that the market was too intimidating and they have lost out too many

Many buyers in the Northern VA area have halted their search Read More »