Lisa Joy

Northern Virginia REALTOR® Lisa Joy is partnered with real estate broker Samson Properties, connecting people with places to call home. Are you looking to find a real estate agent in Lorton, Clifton, Woodbridge, Manassas, Stafford, Virginia or many other areas of Northern Virginia? If you want to sell your house fast or are a first-time home buyer, look to Realtor® Lisa Joy.

Home improvements when you are thinking about selling

If you’re seriously considering selling but still want to make improvements while you’re still living there, let me make two important suggestions. Stay neutral in style: No one wants to rip out home improvements that are obviously recent but don’t meet their personal tastes. Any changes you make should play to the largest possible audience. Consider

Home improvements when you are thinking about selling Read More »

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investing in real estate in 2021

With the recent stock market volatility, you may be looking for opportunities to diversify and protect your investment portfolio against the dips and the potential for inflation. Over the long term, real estate provides steady appreciation and is usually an excellent investment response to inflation. Savvy consumers are becoming increasingly interested in owning property to

investing in real estate in 2021 Read More »

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The Why it is a good time to sell or buy

Low housing inventory and appreciation! Before the coronavirus crisis began, the U.S. housing market was already low on the supply of homes available for sale. These levels remain low, causing more competition and less time on the market for the homes that are for sale. In addition, home prices have steadily risen, as reported recently

The Why it is a good time to sell or buy Read More »

How to be competitive in today’s Northern Virginia market, Lisa Joy Realtor

Home buyers are facing a touch market today, while it is a great time to be a seller. When properties are priced right and show well they will have 5-35 competing offers. Buyers need to be ready to compete and be competitive as much as they can, even when submitting a fabulous offer buyers could

How to be competitive in today’s Northern Virginia market, Lisa Joy Realtor Read More »